Barbeque, potlock, fireworks, Golf Tournament, games, contests - click link for more information. Canada Day 2022
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Margaret Green Park and Metrolinks
One of the most important communities in our lives is where we live. It’s where our children go to school and where we spend most of our free time. Living in a connected neighbourhood that has a strong sense of community is incredibly important, both to parents and to their children’s success.
The people are what makes the Community.
The Company We Keep: Community Helps Us Live Long and Prosper
Social activities are more than just fun — they’re vital to our health and well-being as we age. As humans, we are naturally social beings who are not meant for isolation. In fact, social interactions and relationships are proven to have positive impacts on overall health and longevity.
c2pal - Community 2 Prosper and Live allows communities, whether small neighbourhoods or large metropolitan areas to connect and share their events.
The community happenings.
Westhill Village Celebrates Canada Day
Writeup - Westhill Village Easter Foodbank Drive
Writeup of the Halloween Parade.
Westhill Village Celebates Christmas Westhill Village Celebrates Christmas
Halloween Parade Original Annoucement
Canada Day 2021
The big day was a huge success and enjoyed by the Community.
This year was perhaps the biggest yet with $1500.00 worth of fireworks and sparklers, prizes.
The weather was great in spite of early warnings we might get rain..
The scavenger hunt entertained all but a few of the clues had people stumped. The Dinosaur of Westhill Village is located on a power transformer on the right hand side between Carey Cres and Imperial Road. The Bear watching the flag took really good eyes to see but is located on the top of Carey Cres and Van Goughs delight is located at the top of Ferman near Willow Rd.
As always, the house decorating contest was greated with intense competition and might I say a bit of smacktalk among some of the contestants vying for the Cup and the Certificate and this showed in the entrees. The judge had a particularly had time determining a winner this year and breaking tradition finally announced a Grand Winner and two runnerups with prizes for all.
The golf tournament was another huge success. The last two spots were filled last night so apologies to anybody who wanted to golf but were too late to sign up - make sure you let us know early next year to be included.
If you are interested in the golf tournament next , let us know. You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the Westhill Village Information line and press extension 3. Leave a message and it will be forwarded to the golf tournament co-ordinators.
This year is we raised approximately $1250 towards the cost of the event. All the money and then some raised went to the event.
Follow this link for information on Canada Day 2022
Westhill Village Easter Food Bank Drive
In keeping with the community nature of Westhill Village, a food drive with donations going to the local West Willow Village Neighbourhood Group food bank. Westhill Village is encompassed by the larger West Willow Village Neighbourhood Group. This group encompasses all the residents West of the Hanlon Expressway and North of the railroad tracks.
For more information and details http://whv.c2pal.com/index.php/events/14-easter-2021-foodbank-collection
Westhill Village Cares
The mitten and food drive was huge success. Congratulations to everybody who participated. I have attached below a kind message received from Linda of the West Will Village Neighbourhood group - the larger neighbourhood group that encompases our Westhill Village.
I just wanted to to share the message of gratitude from Linda at West Willow Village Neighbourhood Group for our support of the food program. It’s so nice that we have such caring neighbours! Thank you for your work spreading cheer in the neighbourhood. Merry Christmas! 🏼
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Westhill Village Celebrates Christmas
After much regret, due to the covid sitation, Santa's plans for the Westhill Village had to be radically altered. His elves were not able to visit the Village as originally hoped. They were occupied elsewhere taking care of children who have been seriously affected by covid and they were concerned about bring it to our community. We did receive a special delivery order late at night by a rather fleet footed flying reindeer who had a parcel of crafts for the children of the village. Lindsay and her children graciously distributed them to all the houses who had expressed interest. Santa is still looking forward to seeing the crafts those children created when he visits Christmas eve.
More information: http://whv.c2pal.com/index.php/events/13-westhill-village-celebrates-christmas
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Westhill Village is a neighbourhood known for its diversity and community spirit.
Check back here frequently to find out what is going on in the neighbourhood.
Canada Day 2020 festivities
Covid-19 didn't prevent the annual Canada Day celebration centred on Westhill Rd from taking place. It's format was evolved somewhat to maintain health and safety for everybody but the event carried on.
Instead of the traditional street Barbeque, residents were encouraged to take their dinner plates to their frontlawn and enjoy conversation with their neighbours from a distance. Walk the streets and chat but maintain the safe six physical distancing.
As always, the annual golf match carried on. This year, the skilled winner won with a score of 3 over par.The event was held at the MerryHill golf course and was a 9 hole round on the whites. The trophy went to the winner as well as a prize of a $25.00 gift certicate to golf town.
A sidewalk chalk art exhibition was conducted by the younger crowd. It was anticipated a winner would be declared from the participants but as the judges explained in their own words "the caliber of exhibits presented and styles and techniques used by the artists made it impossible to choose the one display that was of such superior merits above the others so the decision was made, all contestants deserved and were award a prize."