
Canada Day 2020 

Once again, the Westhill Neighborhood Canada Day Celebration was a huge success.

Due to the ongoing covid-19 situation, this years event was scaled back and evolved in nature.The desire to keep this as safe and comfortable as possible for everybody necessitated the event be changed a bit.

In lieu of the traditional street barbecue, people were encouraged to enjoy their dinner on their front lawn, stroll up and down the street and chat with old friends and introduce themselves to new friends from a safe distance and enjoy the fireworks from a safe vantage point.

The returned questionnaires indicate everybody enjoyed themselves and want to see it again and everybody felt safe. The common current in the responses was everybody misses the street barbeque, hope it can return next year and also would like some more events.

The golf match was again enjoyed by all who participated. We had more participants than ever in the history of the golf game and even more have expressed interest in participating next year. Regrets to all who contacted us after the cut off hoping to find a spot on the waiting list. Unfortunately no additional spots opened after the last one was taken. Keep your eye out next year for the announcement and make sure you let the organizer know well in advance.
Finally, the fireworks were a definite success. We had more fireworks than ever including a set of mortor style that were gifted from one of our neighbors on Ferman. Unfortunately, these weren't include in the main show, rather they were ignited a bit later. If you were outside at the time and saw the explosions over head they were the donation from a friend of Westhill Rd on Ferman and they were absolutely astounding. If you were home at the time and heard some rather loud booms overhead, that is what you heard.

Suggestions for Next Year

Among the items listed for next year was a street dance. One person noted next year will fall on a Thursday. Many people might be tempted to take the Friday off and make an extra long weekend. Some people might attend the party, and then take the Friday off and head up to a vacation spot but a street dance would be a great way to top off the night.
Many people thought the Westhill area forms a perfect little enclave and community on its own so the entire area bounded by Ferman (including Lisa Lane) should be invited and join the festivities.

A few people have suggested we move the fireworks to the park and that we could walk over as a group.
The organizers and Fireworks crew were delighted when the display received a shout out from our friends on Carey cres thanking us one and all for the fireworks display and they have definitely earned an invite next year.

One suggestion we received was the addition of a ferris wheel and roller coaster. The handwriting wasn't very well formed and some of the letters were backwards so I suspect it was from one of our younger residents. Without consulting with the rest of organizers, I would have to assume this suggestion will not be implemented.
Some have suggested Karaoke might be fun, some sort of event that has the lower end of the area compete against the higher end, wheel barrow races, and a talent contest.
Keep your eyes and ears out for the organization to begin next year and let us know if you are interested in volunteering.

If I was a betting man. I would have to say the Canada Day 2021 event will be even better that this or any past year.

A website as a subdomain on the Communities to Proper and Live has been created for the event now. It was in progress but there wasn't enough time to finish implementing it before the event. Events and news will be posted here. There is also a email address associated with the site now - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The URL is (Westhill Village - Community to Prosper and Live)